Male 6-Pin Breakout cable for security cameras

Male 6-Pin Breakout Cable for Security Cameras
Male 6-Pin Breakout Cable for Security Cameras
Item# SV-CVA-6M
6-Pin_Connector:  Video_Connector:  Audio_Connector:  Power_Connector: 

Our exclusive Male-6-Pin Breakout cable for security cameras breaks out the video, audio, and power and allows you to continue to use your analog cameras that have a 6-Pin connector or to 6-Pin extension cable.

If you need a Female-6-Pin connector, then see our Female 6-Pin Breakout Cable. The male and female 6-Pin cables are usually bought together if you have installed a 6-pin extension cable.

This cable is compatible with many analog security cameras made by Samsung and Lorex; if you have a different brand, please contact us for a custom cable.

Availability: In stock, ships same day. Select the gender and type of connector you want.

The picture above shows the version with the Male BNC for video, Male RCA for audio (optional on some systems), and Male Power connector.