Home > Rear-view Mirror and Dash Camera
Rear-View Mirror and Dash Camera with LCD

The Rear-View Mirror and Dash Camera (RVM-CAM) has a front-facing camera and a separate camear that can be mounted on the rear. The front facing camera is better than a "dash camera" since it is built into the rear-view mirror that easily mounts in front ofn your car's rear-view mirror. It has built-in LCD, speaker, camera, microphone, and Micro-SD card DVR. The RVM-CAM ships with a power supply that connects to your car's power outlet.
The Rear-View Mirror Camera allows for automatic hands-free recording when you are driving. With the built-in LCD display you can easily adjust the front-facing and rear-facing camera; the LCD display can easily be turned off for you to view the entire mirror.
How many times have you wished you had recorded your driving experience? Now you can do it automatically the the Rear-View Mirror Camera.
The Rear-View Mirror Camera has built-in, front facing camera on the mirror and also ships with a camera that you can mount in the rear of the car and use the LCD to view if there is anything behind the car as you are going in reverse. The RVM-CAM allows you to record the front and rear cameras simultaneously.
- Easy installation. The RVM-CAM mounts to your rear-view mirror with two large rubber-bands that attach to the latches on the RVM-CAM.
- Price. You will not find another dash camera with these features at such a low price.
- Performance. High definition video capture.
- Built-in LCD. You can view the LCD on the rear-view mirror to adjust the camera. You can easily turn-off the LCD to use the full mirror.
- No suction cups required. The RVM-CAM easily attaches to your car's rear-view mirror. Your car's mirror serves to shield the RVM-CAM from direct sunlight and thus keeps the RVM-CAM cool.
- Power with cigarette lighter. The RVM-CAM ships with a power adapter that plugs into the cigarette lighter power receptacle.
- Micro-SD Memory. The RVM-CAM records to an optional Micro-SD card.
- USB Cable to download videos to computer.
Availability: ships within 1-3 days. Allow about 5-10 days for delivery.