PS2 Keyboard and Mouse over Cat5 Balun Part 500046

PS 2 Keyboard and Mouse Over CAT5 - PC Side
PS 2 Keyboard and Mouse Over CAT5 - PC Side
Item# 500046
Regular price: $60.00
Sale price: $29.95
Contact us about availability.

Send PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse up to 350ft. over Cat5, Part No. 500046

Part No. 500045 is the keyboard/mouse side. Part No. 500046 is for the PC side.

If you need to convert to USB get our USB Male to PS2 Femaleadapters.

Availability: Ships same day. Please "add to order" and then page back to order Model 500045.


PS 2 Keyboard and Mouse Over CAT5 - Transmit Side
Regular price: $60.00
Sale price: $29.95
PS 2 Keyboard and Mouse Over CAT5 - Transmit Side 500045
Contact us about availability.