RJ45 Network Combiner Kit

Product Code: SV-37049a- The RJ45 Network Combiner allows two computers to share a single network cable drop saving time and money
- Installation takes seconds, simply connect a RJ45 Network Combiner to both ends of the of the cable run, and then complete the installation with four Ethernet cables, two cables from the network devices to the first RJ45 Network Combiner and two cables from the second RJ45 Network Combiner to two Ethernet ports on a network switch
- The innovative design of this product allows the network device connected to port one to use the standard four conductors for Ethernet communication, while the network device connected to port two uses the four conductors that are typically unused
- By providing two ports at both ends of the cable run, the RJ45 combiner allows two network devices to connect to two unique Ethernet ports which is required for Ethernet communication
- Please Note: Use of this product requires two available Ethernet ports on a network switch
- The pair of RJ-45 Combiner kit must be used together for each installation, one on each end of the cable run, for proper operation