Send S-Video Over Cat5e/6

S-Video Balun Transceiver
S-Video Balun Transceiver
Item# svideobalun1

Exclusive "S-Video Tranceiver" #500016 allows you to send S-video via CAT5 cable. Please see Application Diagram. We also offer transceivers that allows you to send both S-Video and Stereo Audio over a single CAT5.

Advantages of sending S-Video over CAT5:
- Better Video. With our S-Video Tranceiver you can get inexpensive CAT5 that meets your building's fire code. Almost all S-Video cable is not fire-code rated for sending it inside walls or Through drop-ceilings. We provide you a unique solution for this common problem. You could consider running the s-video cable Through conduit, but if you're going long distances, our s-video trancievers will provide you with a better video signal.
- Less expensive solution than installing two RG6 cables and the related loss of signals due to couplings and adapters.
- Less signal loss. Our S-Video Tranceiver can easily transmit an svideo signal up to 1,000 feet. Although our S-Video cable has been tested upwards of 500 feet, most other s-video cable will have noticeable signal loss even at 25 feet so consider our "S-Video Tranceiver Balun" for the least signal loss solution at any length up to 1000 feet.
- Unique design allows you to connect the S-Video Tranceiver directly to your S-Video equipment. The tranceiver has a male 4-pin Mini DIN s-video plug to connect to the s-video output/input of your equipment.
- Use your building's structured cabling. No need to run conduit when you can use your existing structured cabling of Cat5
- Neater and faster cabling.
- More variety of CAT5 cable to meet your building's code.

- Video Conferencing
- Presentation and projection systems
- Video servers
- Classroom video
- Classroom video distribution with the optional hub
- Tradeshow demos
- PC-training
- Airline information systems
- Courtroom video arraignment
- Residential Home Theater
- Medical monitoring
- CCTV security and surveillance

- S-Video 4-pin mini DIN plug with a 5" lead.
- Female RJ45 jack for connecting to CAT 5 cable.
- Use in pairs for point-to-point connections.

---Video Distribution Hub to distribute S-Video to up to 8 different locations.
---Female S-Video to RCA Adapter so you can now run S-Video to RCA over CAT5.
---S-Video to VGA adapter to run S-Video to VGA via CAT5.
---S-Video to Coax adapter to run S-Video to Coax via CAT5.
---S-Video to VCR adapter to run S-Video to VCR via CAT5.
---S-Video Distribution Amplifier so you can run one S-Video signal over CAT5 and then split it to four S-Video destinations.
---VideoLabs Cameras or any other camera that has an S-Video or SVHS output, such as most camcorders.
---Video Capture Cards so you can run S-Video via CAT5 directly to your computer.

You can also "hide" the S-Video Tranceiver by connecting it to our S-Video Wall Plate.

Our S-Video Tranceiver allows you to send s-video up to 1000 feet via Cat 5 twisted pair cable (UTP) - twice as far as any other similar product.

The S-Video Tranceiver works in pairs, so order two for each point-to-point connection.

Availability: Ships same day. Two are required, so please update the quantity to two. Please scroll down to see our other products and FAQs.

Please email us first if you have any questions.

  • Will this balun work with IP cameras that have a Cat. 5 output? No, this balun is for s-video only; IP cameras that have an IP output have to be connected to another device, usually a router, that accepts an IP signal. You may be able to decode the IP signal with a set-top box, such as our box at